New User: DSU Network Account Setup Instructions

  • I have received my Welcome to DSU email, how do I setup my DSU account?


New DSU users will receive an Account Activation Code in the email address provided when applying to DSU (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, K12 email, etc). Once you receive your Account Activation Code, click Setup My Account to activate your DSU Account.  This article will help NEW users identify your accounts information and reset password.

DSU Network Account:  This account gives you access to many services offered by DSU. To keep your accounts safe, we highly recommend you create a unique password – one that you don’t use anywhere else. Some of the services that will require your DSU account are: Desire2Learn (D2L), Student Self-Service, MyDSU Portal,TrojanConnect, email, Office365, Library services, wireless access, printing, IA lab, VM View and personal web space. 

  • DSU Account

Step 1:  Setup and Reset Your DSU Network Password

  1. Go to DSU Account Management.

  2. Under Setup My DSU Network Account, click on Setup Account. 

  3. Enter the verification code emailed to your external (non-DSU) email account.

  4. You will need choose and answer three (3) security questions (or create your own question(s).  Once completed, click the Setup Security Answers button. 
    NOTE:  you will need to remember these answers for password recovery.

  5. Choose a password life option by click the radial button.

Normal Password Requirement: You must change your password every 6 months (180 days) to keep your account current and active. 

   Passwords may not contain your name or your username.
   Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters long.
   Passwords must contain characters from three of the following categories:
   •         Uppercase letters
   •         Lowercase letters
   •         Numbers
   •         Special characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? / 
Long Life Password Requirements:   You will not need to change your password unless your account has been compromised. 
There is no requirement for the password to contain any uppercase, lowercase numbers or special characters.
Passwords must be a minimum of 20 characters long.

  1. Enter your password according to your choice requirements and then click Reset My Password.
  2. If you do not meet requirements, you will not move on to the next screen and will receive a “Please meet the Password Requirement” message. Try again.  You will be directed to login after a successful reset.  Note:  If you are a current user, please see Reset: DSU Network Password

Step 2:  Setup DUO MFA

​​​​​​Once you have completed the password setup, you will see a message to "Continue" to complete DUO MFA setup.  Users will not be able to log into any DSU systems until this step is complete.

  1. On your phone
    1. Install Duo Mobile app from your phone's app store.
  2. Once you are ready, click the "Continue"  when prompted during Account Setup.  Follow the instruction on screen to complete your device setup.
    1. Sign in using your DSU email address and password.
    2. When prompted, click Start Setup.
    3. Click Mobile Phone
    4. Click Continue
    5. Enter your phone number
      • Verify and check the box
    6. Click Continue
    7. Click the phone type
    8. Click Continue
    9. Click the I have DUO Mobile to continue.
    10. Using the DUO App installed on your phone, select Use QR code and scan code provided.
    11. Click Continue