Dual Credit Students at DSU

  • I am a dual-credit student and not sure which university account to use.

  • I am not receiving emails sent from my instructor.


A dual-credit student is a high school student who earns college credits by taking courses at DSU or other South Dakota universities, including BHSU, NSU, SDSMT, SDSU, and USD.

What Dual-Credit Students Need to Know About Their University-Assigned Account(s)

Primary University Account: When you enroll in your first course, you’ll apply to one of the South Dakota universities to begin earning college credit. This university will be your primary home university while you’re in high school, regardless of additional classes are taken at other institutions.

  • For example, if your home university is DSU but you're taking courses at SDSU or USD, you will still use your DSU account to log into D2L and access your courses.
  • It's important to check your primary school email regularly, as instructors will use this as your primary means of communication.

Accessing Resources from Other Universities: If you need to access resources from a university other than your primary home university, you may be given an additional account for that university.

  • Use this secondary account only for the specific resources necessary to complete your course.

Keep in mind that access to these resources may be revoked once the course ends, at the discretion of the other university.  Continue to use your primary university account to complete your courses.


First-time dual-credit students are encouraged to create a personal email address (e.g., Gmail) to avoid potential issues with K-12 student email accounts, which may be affected by firewalls. This personal email will be used to manage your university accounts during and after high school, ensuring uninterrupted access once your K-12 account is deactivated.

Get Assistance

To get help with resolving any of your primary university account issues, please use the following sites to request assistance.

Not sure who your primary unversity may be?  Give us a call (605-256-5675) and we will help you out.

Click here for more information on taking Dual Credit courses at Dakota State University.

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