Required - QA Course Technology 1.1: Support Learning Outcomes

QA Course Overview


The Quality Assurance Rubric, for the Course Technology Section 1.1 states: 

The tools and media support the learning outcomes of the course and are integrated with texts and lesson assignments.

From the SD Board of Regents


  • Similar to IV.3, instead of placing all media files in one location, they instead should be integrated into modules or lessons to better illustrate how they relate to the content.
  • It can be tempting to utilize multimedia (video, audio, etc.) and other tools in order to add more "bells and whistles" to your course. Just keep in mind that in order to beneficial to your students--and to satisfy the review standard--all multimedia and other tools need to relate to the module outcomes or the overall course outcomes.



  • QM FIPSE rubric VI.1


Other Examples

Example 1: History Course

Module Title: The Industrial Revolution Lesson Topic: The Impact of Industrialization on Society

Integrated Media Example: In this module, you'll explore the social and economic impacts of the Industrial Revolution. To better understand these changes, please watch the following video:

Video Title: "The Industrial Revolution: A Documentary" Location: Embedded within the "Impact on Society" lesson. Description: This video provides an overview of the key changes brought by industrialization, including urbanization, labor conditions, and technological advancements. After watching, reflect on how these changes compare to modern industrial developments.

Module Outcome Alignment: This video directly supports the module outcome of understanding the societal shifts caused by the Industrial Revolution, helping to contextualize the lesson content.

Example 2: Biology Course

Module Title: Cellular Processes Lesson Topic: Photosynthesis

Integrated Media Example: In this module, you'll delve into the process of photosynthesis and its importance to plant life. To illustrate the stages of photosynthesis, please listen to the following audio lecture:

Audio Title: "The Biochemical Steps of Photosynthesis" Location: Embedded within the "Photosynthesis Overview" lesson. Description: This audio lecture breaks down the light-dependent and light-independent reactions in photosynthesis. As you listen, take notes on how each step contributes to the overall process and its significance to the ecosystem.

Module Outcome Alignment: This audio lecture enhances your understanding of photosynthesis by providing a detailed explanation that aligns with the module outcome of explaining the biochemical steps involved in this essential process.

Revolution, helping to contextualize the lesson content.

These examples ensure that multimedia content is meaningfully integrated into the course structure, supporting both the module outcomes and the overall course outcomes, thereby enhancing student learning and satisfaction.


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Article ID: 148367
Thu 6/13/24 3:47 PM
Fri 6/14/24 1:37 PM