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This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Course Technology 1.1 with examples on how to meet the standard.
This article discusses the Board of Regents Quality Assurance expectations for its institutions.
This article discusses identifying appropriate instructional strategies that match the learning objectives.
This article discusses using reflection practices as an instructional strategy.
This article discusses the instructional strategy of using case studies.
This article discusses using discussions as an active learning strategy.
This article discusses using lectures as an active learning strategy.
This article discusses Gagne's Conditions of Learning.
This article discusses Gagne's Conditions of Learning.
This article focuses on Mager's Performance-based learning objectives.
This article focuses on Mager's Performance-based learning objectives.
This article discusses using Bloom's Taxonomy to help write your learning objectives.
This article discusses creating SMART learning objectives.
This article discusses SMART Learning Objectives.