Find Migrated Ensemble Videos in Panopto

All Ensemble videos and playlists were migrated from Ensemble to Panopto on June 21st, 2022. Ensemble permalinks for videos and playlists will now redirect to the Panopto version. You are free to move the videos and playlists out of the Ensemble Migrations folder and the redirects will stay intact. If you do not see a folder and you had videos in Ensemble, please open a quick ticket and your permissions will be added.

 To find the migrated videos in Panopto:

  1. Log into Panopto with your DSU email and password
  2. Click the "Browse" tab on the left side of the screen
  3. Click "My Folders" on the top tab *note this is different than the "My Folder" in the folders list.
  4. Click the "Ensemble Migrations folder.
  5. There should be a folder with your name. Inside of that will be all of your migrated Ensemble videos and playlists.

Menu in Panopto showing the left menu. The Browse tab on the left hand side is highlighted. The Ensemble Migrations folder is highlighted.

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Article ID: 140152
Wed 6/22/22 9:21 AM
Thu 4/13/23 10:45 AM