Accommodations Required Documentation

  • What documentation should a student need to request accommodations?


Documentation for accommodations should include

  • an evaluation by a qualified professional and current testing (done in the student's junior year or later because the severity of many disabilities changes over time).
  • Documentation may also require
    • a diagnostic interview,
    • the actual test scores from a neuropsychological or psycho educational evaluation (e.g., aptitude/cognitive ability, academic achievement, and information processing tests such as the WAIS-III, Woodcock-Johnson-III, etc.; SATA, TASK, WIAT, etc; or the Nelson-Denny Reading Test, Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, etc.),
    • an interpretive summary.

  • DSU Students

Before you request disability services

If students do not have the proper documentation to support their requests for accommodation, they are required to get the documentation (tests, diagnosis, etc.) at their own expense.

An IEP from elementary or high school is not sufficient documentation.

Graduating high school seniors should know that elementary and high schools are required to retest students for disabilities every three years and that when a student nears graduation, the school is required to develop a transition plan to help prepare the student for life after high school.

Students should take advantage of this transition to get new tests, if necessary.

Students with learning disabilities should be tested after age 16 so that their "adult" brain processes may be tested.


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Article ID: 136621
Wed 11/3/21 6:30 PM
Fri 3/31/23 10:10 AM

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