List of Rooms with Video Conferencing and Recording Capabilities


  • What rooms on campus have conferencing equipment?



Describe what the program, application, or services does. ex. A Team Dynamix Knowledge Base article gives users directions on how to do something or fix an issue.



  • Classroom and meeting rooms



The following is a list of rooms with cameras and microphones that can be used for recording and video conferencing. 

* notes rooms with a PC in the room that is connected to the microphones and camera. Only the Room PC can be used with the camera and microphones.

Beacom Institute of Technology: 112, 114, 117, 213

Beadle Hall: 110, 113, 224, 334

East Hall: 003, 010, 018, 100 auditorium, 108, 109 Meeting Room, 217

Heston Hall: Brinker Meeting Room*

Karl Mundt Library: 201, 125-Meeting Room*

Kennedy Center: 104, 112, 120, 123, 105, 119, 117, 122, 123

MadLabs: Briefing Room

Science Center: 109, 113, 114, 121, 132, 135 auditorium, 143

TC: Alumni Room*

TCB: 109, 111, 203 auditorium, 209