Install Outlook App on Mobile Device

  • How do I set up Outlook for DSU email on my mobile device?


DSU no longer supports basic authentication, which may cause the built-in email apps not to work.   Supported email app is the Microsoft Outlook app.


  • iOS Device
  • Android OS  
  • Windows Mobile
  • Outlook app


  1. Download the Microsoft Outlook app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Open the Outlook app on your device.
  3. Tap Get Started
  4. Enter your DSU email address in the Add Email Account screen
    1. If prompted to select 365.
  5. This will prompt the DSU log in screen to open.  Enter your DSU password and select Sign in.
  6. Select Sign In and authenticate via Duo Two Factor Authentication.
  7. You will be asked if you would like to add another account. Select Skip.
  8. Disable Focused Inbox
    • ITS recommends disabling the Focused Inbox feature to ensure that you see all messages.
  9. Your DSU email should now be set up in the Outlook app.
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Article ID: 109772
Thu 6/11/20 12:30 PM
Fri 3/31/23 3:55 PM