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This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Accessibility 1.1 with examples on how to meet the standard.
This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Accessibility 1.3 with examples on how to meet the standard.
This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Accessibility 1.2 with examples on how to meet the standard.
This article discusses how to help ensure you create documents that are accessible:
This article discusses using lists for accessibility in webpages, documents and D2L.
This article discusses an overview of Accessibility with regard to documents, web design, captions and transcripts.
This article discusses using the accessibility checker in the HTML editor in D2L.
This article discusses accessibility with PDFs.
This article discusses using headings for accessibility in webpages, documents and D2L.
This article discusses the accessibility of Forms in documents and webpages.
This article discusses using Alt text on images and the different types of images.
This article discusses the accessibility of images in webpages, documents and D2L.
This article focuses on accessibility with tables in webpages, documents and D2L.
This article discusses the visual characteristics that are necessary for accessibility.
This article discusses color contrast and accessibility in webpages, documents and D2L.