Duo: About MFA at DSU

Tags Duo MFA
  • Why do I need to install DUO on my smartphone?


This article will help you understand what Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is, where you’ll find it at DSU, and how it’s used.

What is Duo MFA?

 Duo Multi-factor authentication (MFA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity.

These factors can include:

  • something you know (like a username and password);
  • something you have (like a smartphone app or hardware token);
  • MFA protects against phishing, social engineering, and password brute-force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.
Where will I find it at DSU?

The following sites and applications are secured with Duo MFA:

  • DSU Support Site (TDX) (support.dsu.edu)

  • Office 365 (portal.office.com)

  • Zoom (dsu.zoom.us)

  • TrojanConnect (dsu.campus.eab.com)

  • Handshake (dsu.joinhandshake.com)

  • Google Apps for Education (classroom.google.com)

  • Blackboard Transact Mobile eAccounts (sdeast-sp.blackboard.com/DSU)

  • LinkedIn Learning (www.linkedin.com/learning)

  • DSU Webmail (webmail.dsu.edu)

  • D2L (d2l.sdbor.edu)

What factors are allowed?

DSU supports several options for Duo MFA:

Duo mobile app on any Android or iOS Device, including tablets

  • Duo Push is the recommended method
  • Mobile Passcodes are useful when your mobile device is not connected to a network

Hardware tokens

DSU does not support SMS passcodes as a factor for Duo MFA as SIM Swap attacks could allow attackers to gain access to your account.


Article ID: 94003
Fri 12/6/19 3:42 PM
Sun 2/25/24 8:24 PM