Required - QA Learning Outcomes 1.1 Measurable

QA Course Overview


The Quality Assurance Rubric, for the Learning Outcomes Section 1.1 states: 

The course provides outcomes that are measurable.


From the SD Board of Regents


  1. Create 3-5 measurable learning outcomes that are broad and include an overall outcome of what students will be able to accomplish through the activities they will complete.
  2. Your learning outcomes should precisely describe what students are to gain from instruction and then guide you as an instructor to accurately assess student accomplishment of the outcomes in specific, observable terms.
  3. Learning outcomes should precisely describe the specific competencies, skills, and knowledge that students should be able to master and demonstrate at regular intervals throughout the course and should provide students with greater focus and clarity of learning expectations and outcomes.

NOTE: In some cases, the course outcomes are departmentally/institutionally mandated, and the individual instructor does not have the authority to change them. Please be sure to develop your own measurable outcomes in your syllabus for your course and include them.



At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify appropriate tax strategies for different financial and personal situations.
  • Develop a comprehensive, individualized wellness action program focused on overcoming a sedentary life-style.
  • Describe the relationship between the components of an ecosystem.
  • Explain the factors that contribute to economic inflation.


  • QM FIPSE rubric II.1