TDX - How to find previous tickets

Tags TDX Ticket
  • Where can I find tickets I have submitted?

  • How can I find an attachment that is on a ticket I have submitted?


  1. Navigate to

    1. Ensure you are signed in.  You can verify this by looking on the upper right of the page.  If you see your name, you are signed in.  If you see "Sign In," click the link and proceed to sign in using your DSU email address and DSU password.

  2. Under "Quick Tabs" click My Stuff

  3. Click My Tickets

  4. Click the down arrow next to "Status Class" and select [Select all]

  5. Click Search

  6. You will find your tickets below.  You can click on the Title of the ticket you'd like to review.


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Article ID: 148348
Tue 5/7/24 2:10 PM
Tue 5/7/24 2:10 PM