Using the QA Rubric - Examples and Research to Guide You

Tags QA rubric

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, maintaining the highest standards of course quality is not just a priority but a necessity. Quality Assurance (QA) serves as a cornerstone in ensuring that educational offerings not only meet but exceed the rigorous demands of academic excellence and student satisfaction.


The South Dakota Board of Regents requires Dakota State University to utilize the AAC guidelines for Quality Assurance. These guidelines have been used to create the QA Rubric. The purpose of this article is to provide an explanation, examples and research for each section of the Rubric so that you can have an exceptional understanding of the expectations to meet the standards within the Quality Assurance Rubric. 

1. Course Overview and Introduction - Section 1 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


1.1 Navigational instructions make the organization of the course easy to understand. [REQUIRED] 
1.2 A statement introduces the student to the course and to the structure of the student learning, as well as how the student will be successful in the course. [REQUIRED] 


Baseline: Per the expectations, students should be provided information about the mechanics of the course, how they will be facilitated via distance learning technology, and how the student will be successful in the course.





Course Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the course, highlighting what students will learn and why it matters.
Learning Structure: Explain the format of the course, including the types of learning activities (lectures, discussions, assignments) and their sequence.
Success Strategies: Share tips and strategies on how students can excel in the course, such as time management, active participation, and utilizing resources.
Technology Use: Describe the technology that will be used, how to access it, and where to find help if needed.
Support Systems: Inform students about available support systems, including tutoring, library resources, and IT support.
Assessment Overview: Outline how students will be assessed and the criteria for success in assignments and evaluations.
Instructor Role: Clarify the instructor's role in the learning process, including how and when the instructor will provide feedback and be available for communication.
Student Expectations: Set clear expectations for students regarding their involvement and responsibilities throughout the course.



Course Introduction and Welcome Message:
Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R.-M. (2016). The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips. This resource emphasizes the importance of starting the course with a welcoming message that introduces the course and sets the tone for the learning experience.
Structure of Student Learning:
Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. This book offers comprehensive coverage of the structure of online learning, providing a framework for understanding how students learn in an online environment. 
Mechanics of the Course:
Ko, S., & Rossen, S. (2017). Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. The guide provides detailed information on the mechanics of online courses, including how to use distance learning technology effectively.
Facilitation via Distance Learning Technology:
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom: The Realities of Online Teaching. This book discusses how to facilitate learning through distance learning technology, focusing on the role of the instructor in creating an engaging online learning environment.

1.3 The instructor facilitates and participates in an interactive introduction activity with students during the first week of the course. [REQUIRED] 


Baseline: The instructor should facilitate some sort of interactive introduction activity (e.g., introduction discussion, introductory assessment that provides feedback, etc.).





Welcome Video: The instructor could create a welcome video introducing themselves and the course, setting a warm tone for the course. This could be followed by an activity where students create their own brief introduction videos to share with classmates.
Introduction Discussion Forum: Set up a discussion forum where students post introductions that include their academic interests, what they hope to gain from the course, and an interesting fact about themselves. The instructor should actively participate by responding to each student to build rapport.
Interactive Icebreaker Activity: Organize an icebreaker activity that requires students to interact with one another. For example, a virtual scavenger hunt where students find information about their peers or course topics and share their findings in a discussion thread.
"Two Truths and a Lie" Game: Students post two truths and one lie about themselves in a discussion forum, and their classmates have to guess which statement is the lie. The instructor can participate and facilitate the activity, ensuring everyone is engaged.                                                        Collaborative Document: Use a collaborative tool like Google Docs where each student adds information about themselves and can comment on others' entries. This can be a live document that grows throughout the first week.
Introductory Quiz with Feedback: Create a light-hearted quiz about the course content or logistics, where students can answer and immediately see feedback. This helps students familiarize themselves with the course and receive engagement from the instructor.
Virtual Meet and Greet: Schedule a live, synchronous session where students and the instructor can introduce themselves and discuss their goals and expectations for the course.
Peer Interviews: Pair students up to interview each other and then post a summary about their partner in the course forum. This encourages direct peer-to-peer interaction.
Interactive Syllabus Review: Instead of just reading the syllabus, turn it into an interactive activity. Ask students to find and discuss specific parts of the syllabus in a forum or quiz format.
Student-Generated Questions: Have students post questions they have about the course, and encourage them to answer each other's questions. The instructor can facilitate by providing additional insights and clarifications.



Interactive Introduction Activity:
Conrad, R.-M., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011). Engaging the Online Learner: Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction. This resource provides a variety of interactive activities designed to engage online learners from the outset, including icebreakers and introduction discussions that can be facilitated by the instructor.
Instructor Presence and Participation:
Anderson, T., Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing teaching presence in a computer conferencing context. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 1-17. This paper discusses the importance of teaching presence in online courses, which includes the instructor's direct involvement in course activities, especially during the initial stages.
Building Community:
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. This book emphasizes the importance of building a sense of community in online courses, starting with the first week through activities that encourage students to share about themselves and interact with each other. 

2. Learning Outcomes - Section 2 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


2.1 The course provides learning outcomes that are measurable. [REQUIRED] 



Baseline: Each instructor-defined outcome should use an action verb to show that it is measurable within a specific context.



Action-Oriented Verbs: Use clear, action-oriented verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy, such as "analyze," "synthesize," "evaluate," "create," or "apply," to define what students will be able to do.
Specificity: Ensure each outcome is specific enough to be observable and measurable within the context of the course activities and assessments.
Alignment with Assessments: Align learning outcomes with course assessments to ensure that the measurement of these outcomes is integrated into the course structure.
Relevance: Make sure the outcomes are relevant to the course content and valuable for the students' academic and professional development.
Clarity: Write outcomes in a way that is easily understandable for students, avoiding jargon or overly complex language.
Achievability: Set outcomes that are challenging yet achievable within the scope and duration of the course.


Action-Oriented Verbs (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Karanja, E., & Malone, L. C. (2020). Improving project management curriculum by aligning course learning outcomes with Bloom’s taxonomy framework. This study evaluates the alignment of learning outcomes with Bloom's Taxonomy in project management courses, emphasizing the use of specific action verbs.
The same study by Karanja and Malone also discusses the importance of specificity in learning outcomes to ensure they are measurable and aligned with assessments.
Alignment with Assessments
Conry, J., & Harrington, A. (2019). Assessing ABET ANSAC and EAC Learning Outcome (2) in Introductory Physics. This paper discusses the assessment of learning outcomes in physics education, highlighting the alignment with specific project rubrics.
The study by Karanja and Malone indirectly touches on the importance of learning outcomes being relevant to both the academic curriculum and industry standards.
The study by Karanja and Malone also addresses the achievability of learning outcomes, suggesting that they should be attainable within the course's scope and timeframe.

2.2 The learning outcomes address content mastery, critical thinking skills, and core learning skills. [REQUIRED] 

Baseline: The course should provide outcomes that address these areas per review of a subject-matter expert.


Define Specific Content Mastery Goals: Clearly articulate what students should know and be able to do with the content at the end of the course. Use Bloom's Taxonomy to define the levels of mastery from basic recall of facts to the application and creation of new ideas.
Incorporate Critical Thinking Skills: Integrate activities that require students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This could involve case studies, problem-solving tasks, or research projects that encourage students to go beyond memorization.
Emphasize Core Learning Skills: Ensure that the learning outcomes include the development of essential academic skills such as writing, reading comprehension, and quantitative reasoning. These can be integrated into assignments and assessments throughout the course.
Engage Subject-Matter Experts: Collaborate with experts in the discipline to review and refine the learning outcomes. This ensures that the outcomes are aligned with current industry standards and academic expectations.
Align with Assessment: Design assessments that directly measure the stated learning outcomes. This alignment ensures that you can accurately gauge whether students are achieving the desired mastery and skills.
Iterative Review and Update: Regularly review and update the learning outcomes based on feedback from students and peers, as well as changes in the discipline, to keep the course relevant and challenging.


Content Mastery
Learning outcomes should specify the level of understanding and competence students are expected to achieve in the subject matter. Juli Eka Nugraheni et al. (2020) discuss the development of scientific learning devices to increase critical thinking ability and skills of science processes in students, which includes content mastery as a key outcome.
Critical Thinking
Outcomes should articulate the critical thinking skills students will develop, such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information. Asyari et al. (2020) evaluate the effectiveness of learning tools designed to train critical thinking skills in students, emphasizing the importance of these skills as a learning outcome.
Core Learning Skills
Outcomes should encompass core learning skills, including literacy, numeracy, and communication skills, essential for academic success. F. Johnson discusses the measurement of outcomes involving learning modalities and domains, critical thinking skills levels, and right-and left-brain thinking, which are integral to core learning skills.'-Learning-Involving-Johnson/608cd4cc53b83314520107c3249ee24ab49f7679



Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.


3. Assessment - Section 3 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.


4. Resources & Materials - Section 4 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days

Agent Details

Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.


5. Learner Interaction - Section 5 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days

Agent Details

Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.


6. Course technology - Section 6 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days

Agent Details

Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.


7. Learner Support - Section 7 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days

Agent Details

Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked



8. Accessibility - Section 8 of the Quality Assurance Rubric


Student hasn't accessed course in 5 days

Agent Details

Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses:  

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} is absent from {OrgUnitName}

Message: The following student has not entered the {OrgUnitName} course during the past five days:

  • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} – {InitiatingUserOrgDefinedId}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked


Email Format: HTML

Name that the emails come from: 

Reply-To address for responses: 

To: (instructor’s/advisor’s email would go here)

Email Subject: No Brightspace login for {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName}

Message: The following student has not logged in to the Brightspace system for the past seven days.

    • {InitiatingUserFirstName} {InitiatingUserLastName} … {InitiatingUserUserName}
    • email: {InitiatingUser}

Save and Close the Agent, and see it on the list of available Agents.

You can enable this agent at any time or run it manually using the Run Now at the agent drop-down.

Student hasn't logged in to D2L
Agent Details

Name: Student hasn't logged in to D2L

Description: This IA will check to see which students have not logged in to the Brightspace system during the designated time period.

Current time period = no login for 7 days

This IA is run automatically every Monday and Friday, through the final class date.

This IA only sends an email to the advisor, for possible further action.

Status: Agent not yet enabled.


Action Repetition

Take action every time the agent is evaluated and the agent’s criteria are satisfied for a user is enabled



Use Schedule is enabled
Click Update Schedule
Repeats: Weekly
Repeats Every: 1 week(s)
Repeats On: Monday and Friday
Schedule Dates: Has Start Date is enabled: xx-09-22 (first day of the semester) and has End Date is enabled: xx-02-2023 (last day of the semester)


Login Activity

Take action when the following login criteria are satisfied is enabled
User has not logged in for at least 7 days

Course Activity and Release Conditions

Left unchecked



Article ID: 148335
Thu 4/18/24 3:54 PM
Fri 4/19/24 4:09 PM