

Link text within a D2L course should be unique within a page, meaningful when read out of context, and should help users to know something about their destination if they click on it.

Meaningful Link Text

Below are both good and bad examples of link text being added to a D2L page.

Example 1: Good Link Text

screenshot of a proper link text

In this example, the link text “DSU Accessible Technology” makes sense independently of context. If users encounter this link (for example) in a list of links, they know what to expect if they follow the link. They don’t need the original context to figure that out.


Example 2:  Bad Link Text

screenshot of bad link text

In this example, the text “click here” fails because if read out of context, it provides no meaningful information to users about what will happen if they follow the link.


Article ID: 148301
Tue 3/19/24 8:59 AM
Mon 4/15/24 3:37 PM