Whether a student is enrolled in an online program or campus program, if a student is considering or enrolled in a program that leads to professional licensure or certification, it is important that the student knows if DSU is approved for licensure in the state the student is a resident of.
Being the advisor, it is important that a student is aware of educational requirements in a state the student may want to teach in. Of course, the student may change their mind about where he/she wants to get licensed but it is best practice to inform a student of educational requirements.
The 2019 state authorization federal regulations (effective July 1, 2020) require institutions to meet requirements for state reciprocity agreements [34-CFR 600.2], state authorization [34 CFR 600.9(c)], and professional licensure notifications [34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) and 34 CFR 668.43(c)] in order to grant federal aid to a student participating in post secondary education in a state for which the institution is not located.
See attachment on lower right hand side of page.