What is State Authorization?

What is State Authorization?
State authorization refers to federal, state, and professional licensing board regulations and policies that impact educational activities offered across state lines and programs that lead to professional licensure or certification. State Authorization impacts on-ground education and online.  Compliance with these regulations ensures that a DSU degree will be recognized.  Also, DSU students will be eligible to sit for licensure in specific states other than South Dakota if state licensure requirements are met.

Authorization requirements vary by state and program and may impact university operations. Each State has unique authorization requirements and DSU must review each state’s law to ensure that the university stays in compliance.  The DSU Online Office is seeking and maintaining compliance and communicating updates in DSU’s authorization status as they happen. 

 Check back often on the Knowledge Base as policies and regulations are ever changing.

Also check out: State Authorization https://public-info.dsu.edu/sd-sara/state-authorization/ 


Article ID: 135614
Wed 9/8/21 3:48 PM