Duo: What to do if you do not have a smartphone

  • What if my smart phone is not compatible with DUO app?

  • I do not have access to my smart phone for security purposes.

  • How can I purchase a DUO token from DSU?


What is a hardware token?

Duo Tokens, also known as security or hardware tokens, are small hardware devices that can be used as an alternative to using your phone, tablet, or the Duo Mobile app when logging into DSU services that use MFA. These portable devices will generate a passcode that you can enter when you need to complete the two-factor authentication process to access DSU services.

The best and easiest way to use Duo MFA is by installing the Duo Mobile application on your smartphone. However, we understand that there are circumstances that prevent users from being able to use this method - such as not owning a compatible smartphone or other supported device (iPad, Android tablet, etc.).

To check your devices compatibility, please use the following links:


  • Android, iOS


How to obtain a Duo Hardware Token:

  1. Log into the DSU Account Management page.
  2. On the homepage, under the Security heading you should see an option for Multi-Factor Authentication. Click the blue Manage button to access your Duo settings. 
  3. On the following page on the left hand side you will see Add a new device listed as an option. Click Add a new device and on the list of devices select MFA Hardware Token (3rd option).
  4. Fill out your information on the purchase page and submit. Be sure to select in person pickup if you are on campus and able to pick up at the Support Desk.
  5. A Duo hardware token will be assigned to your account, packaged and shipped to you at your specified address. Once you receive the token, please follow the enclosed instructions to activate it on your account.
  6. Once activated, you will need to use the token each time you log into a DSU service that requires MFA. Press the button on the token to display a code and enter it on the login page.

Additional information:

  • If you are a US Service member stationed overseas with restricted or no access to cellular data, you are exempt from purchasing a hardware token and can receive one free of charge.
  • If you lose your hardware token you will be required to purchase another one.A Duo hardware token will be assigned to your account, packaged and shipped to you at your specified address. Once you receive the token, please follow the enclosed instructions to activate it on your account.Once activated, you will need to use the token each time you log into a DSU service that requires MFA. Press the button on the token to display a code and enter it on the login page. 


Article ID: 122605
Mon 12/14/20 11:29 AM
Sun 2/25/24 8:41 PM