Expired/Forgot Password - DSU Network Account Reset

Expired/Forgot Password - DSU Network Account Reset Form
This form is to request a new verification code for a forgotten password or an expired account.
Email address that is on file as your alternative email address. This is the email which the new verification code will be sent.
Found on the back of your DSU ID Card
Enter birthdate
NOTE: when choosing year, choose lowest year and click again until you find your year OR enter using the mm/dd/yy format
Please provide a phone number which the school would have on file for you.
Use 605-xxx-xxxx format
For verification, please provide your middle name (if none, please put None)
This is not an automated process and the information that you submit in this form is manually verified before a verification code can be sent. This is done during normal business hours, if you submit after business hours it may not be until open of business next day before you receive your code. Thank you.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code