eAccounts Privacy Policy


eAccounts Privacy Policy Statement



DSU eAccounts Services is committed to protecting consumer privacy and recognizes the need for consumers to control the use and management of personal information, information which can be used to identify or contact an individual. Such information may include, but is not limited to, a first and last name, a physical address, an email address, a student id number, or a phone number.

If you are visiting our site to browse or find information about DSU eAccounts products or services you do not need to provide any personal information. If, however, you elect to avail yourself to services provided via eAccounts to consumers, personal information may be collected in order to provide you the requested service.

Applications supporting the DSU eAccounts site may collect information concerning the types and versions of internet browsers used to access the DSU eAccounts site, the IP address of the computer used to access the DSU eAccounts site, and the date and time of access. This information is stored in various security and traffic logs. Our service provider processes these logs through statistical algorithm in an effort to predict traffic patterns and estimate resource needs. Unless accessed during the resolution of a technical problem or through an investigation into suspected fraudulent behavior or illegal conduct, specific user sessions are not identified.

DSU eAccounts staff and computer applications may access and utilize personal information provided by a consumer to service the consumer's account. DSU eAccounts services will not sell or trade personal information from any consumer to unrelated third parties. As a result of certain services, such as a deposit into an account, the consumer will receive an automated email confirmation. These notifications are considered part of the eAccounts service and may not be disabled.

DSU eAccounts Services may contract with one or more third parties to maintain and host the applications supporting eAccounts services. In this case any information, including personal information, submitted in support of an eAccounts transaction may be placed and stored on resources maintained by the third party. Such access and submission of information, including personal information, serves as acknowledgment that the information submitted may be stored in third party servers. You agree that the University has no liability or responsibility for any such pass through or storage of same.

DSU embraces best practices to protect consumer privacy and takes reasonable steps to ensure personal information is protected.



Article ID: 135469
Thu 8/26/21 1:25 PM
Fri 3/31/23 4:34 PM

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