Required - QA Resources and Materials 1.1 Comprehensive


This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Resources and Materials 1.1 with examples on how to meet the standard.


QA Course Overview


The Quality Assurance Rubric, for the Resources and Materials Section 1.1 states: 

The instructional materials support the stated learning outcomes, and have sufficient breadth, depth, and currency for the student to learn the subject.


From the SD Board of Regents


  1. In general, placing lectures, lecture slides — ideally using cloud-based document management tools, or both in their native format and as PDFs — in your course, as well as any lecture notes, websites, course outlines, or other materials used in the instruction of the course, will be ideal.

  2. The instructional materials you select should be easily accessed online. You should also provide instructions on how to access them, and, if applicable, instructions on how to obtain technical support for said materials.

  3. Be sure to let students know up front if any software or other materials (including texts) need to be purchased for the course. You may also need to alert your bookstore to have the materials available for the online students.

  4. Materials should be kept up to date.  If you link to external websites, you should audit these links prior to the course starting, to ensure that they still are working.




The course materials are robust and create a rich learning environment for students. You should provide meaningful content in a variety of way including the textbook, PowerPoint presentation, websites, lecture notes, outlines, and multimedia.


The level of detail in supporting materials is appropriate for the level of the course, and provides sufficient depth for students to achieve the learning outcomes. For example, an upper-level capstone course should include significantly deeper materials than those required for an introductory general education course.


The materials represent up-to-date thinking and practice in the discipline. Some examples: an introductory computer course should include recent trends such as podcasting; an English writing course should discuss the purpose of Internet search; a chemistry course should include computerized models to demonstrate chemical structures and reactions.



  • QM FIPSE rubric IV.1


Other Examples

Example 1: Computer Science Course

Course Learning Outcome: Students will be able to develop, test, and debug complex software applications using contemporary programming languages and tools.

Breadth Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Textbook: "Programming in Python 3" by Mark Summerfield
  • Lecture Slides: Detailed slides covering each chapter of the textbook, available in both PowerPoint and PDF formats.
  • Lecture Notes: Comprehensive notes summarizing key concepts and coding examples, available as downloadable PDFs.
  • Websites: Links to relevant online resources such as Python documentation and Stack Overflow for community support.
  • Multimedia: Video tutorials demonstrating software development best practices, available through the course’s learning management system.

Explanation: The materials include a textbook for in-depth reading, slides and notes for quick reference, websites for additional resources, and multimedia for visual and practical learning. This variety ensures students can access information in multiple formats to enhance their learning experience.

Depth Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Advanced Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials on specific advanced topics such as machine learning with Python, including code samples and project templates.
  • Research Papers: Selected academic papers on current trends and techniques in software development, accessible through the university’s digital library.
  • Case Studies: Real-world case studies on complex software development projects, detailing challenges and solutions.

Explanation: The course materials go beyond basic textbook knowledge, providing advanced tutorials, research papers, and case studies that offer deeper insights into contemporary programming and software development practices. This level of detail is appropriate for an upper-level course and helps students achieve a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Currency Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Up-to-date Software Tools: Access to the latest integrated development environments (IDEs) and version control systems such as PyCharm and GitHub.
  • Recent Trends: Inclusion of recent trends in the curriculum, such as AI and machine learning applications in software development.
  • Updated Content: Regularly updated lecture slides and notes to reflect the latest changes in programming languages and development frameworks.

Explanation: The materials are kept current by incorporating the latest tools and trends in the industry. This ensures that students are learning the most up-to-date practices and technologies, which is crucial in a fast-evolving field like computer science.

Example 2: Communications Course

Course Learning Outcome: Students will be able to analyze and effectively utilize various communication strategies in different media and professional contexts.

Breadth Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Textbook: "Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies" by Richard G. Jones Jr.
  • Lecture Slides: Detailed slides covering each chapter, available in both PowerPoint and PDF formats.
  • Lecture Notes: Summarized notes highlighting key communication theories and strategies, available as downloadable PDFs.
  • Websites: Links to relevant online resources such as the Communication Studies Portal and industry blogs on media and professional communication.
  • Multimedia: Video lectures and interviews with communication professionals discussing real-world applications of communication strategies.

Explanation: The materials include a textbook for comprehensive reading, slides and notes for quick reference, websites for additional resources, and multimedia for practical learning. This variety ensures students can access information in multiple formats to enhance their understanding of communication strategies.

Depth Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Advanced Readings: Selected academic articles and book chapters on advanced topics such as intercultural communication, digital communication strategies, and crisis communication.
  • Case Studies: In-depth analysis of real-world communication scenarios, including successful and failed communication strategies used by organizations and public figures.
  • Interactive Exercises: Role-playing activities and simulations where students practice communication strategies in different contexts (e.g., media interviews, corporate presentations).

Explanation: The course materials go beyond basic textbook knowledge by providing advanced readings, case studies, and interactive exercises that offer deeper insights into the application of communication strategies. This level of detail is appropriate for an upper-level course and helps students achieve a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Currency Example:

Instructional Materials:

  • Recent Articles and Reports: Access to the latest articles and reports from leading communication journals and industry publications such as the Journal of Communication and PR Daily.
  • Updated Case Studies: Regularly updated case studies reflecting the latest trends and challenges in the communication field, such as social media influence and digital marketing.
  • Current Trends: Inclusion of contemporary topics such as the impact of artificial intelligence on communication, the role of influencers in media, and the ethics of digital communication.

Explanation: By incorporating the latest articles, updated case studies, and contemporary topics, the course materials remain current and relevant. This ensures that students are learning about the most recent developments and practices in the communication field, preparing them for modern professional environments.

These examples illustrate how instructional materials in a course can be designed to support learning outcomes with sufficient breadth, depth, and currency, ensuring a comprehensive and up-to-date learning experience for students.




Article ID: 148362
Thu 6/13/24 4:33 PM
Fri 6/14/24 3:37 PM