Required - QA Learning Outcomes 1.3 Clearly Stated


This article focuses on the Quality Assurance Learning Outcomes 1.3 with examples on how to meet the standard.


QA Course Overview


The Quality Assurance Rubric, for the Learning Outcomes Section 1.3 states: 

The learning objectives of the course are clearly stated and understandable to the student, and clear instructions are provided to students on how to meet them.


From the SD Board of Regents


  1. Avoid the use of jargon, slang, acronyms, etc. unless said items are clearly understood by students in that field of study.

  2. Avoid the use of overly-technical terms or language.

  3. Avoid the use of terms that students will learn in class, but may not know beforehand.

  4. Use of an alignment table can be useful to illustrate this to students. In the example below (see Examples below), the learning outcome is stated along with how it will be assessed. If your department, school/college, university or accrediting organization requires specific outcomes—NCATE or AACSB, for example—those would be placed in the "Standards/Code" section.

  5. Instructions to students can take various forms (e.g. narratives, bulleted lists, charts) and may appear at different levels within the course, such as module-based or weekly assignment sheets. Instructions should be clear and complete.

  6. Information should indicate which learning activities, resources, assignments, and assessments support the learning outcomes (see Examples below).



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  • QM FIPSE rubric II.3 and II.4


Other Information

Check out Learning Objectives here: Knowledge Base: Learning Objectives




Article ID: 148358
Thu 6/13/24 4:25 PM
Fri 6/14/24 5:12 PM