Account Disabled - Unauthorized Access


What unauthorized access means and what steps can be taken to have an account re-enabled.


Account disabled due to unauthorized access.

DSU's ITS monitors account activity for unusual and suspicious activity. If potentially malicious or unauthorized access to an account is detected, the account will be disabled. After disabling the account, ITS will create a ticket in TDX to inform the user through their secondary e-mail - faculty and staff may also have an email sent to their department head. Within the ticket, the reason for disabling the account will be noted.

To re-enable your account see the steps associated with the account disable reason:

Account disabled - Compromised Credentials
While Multi-Factor Authentication typically prevents access to an account when credentials are compromised, there may be rare scenarios where the threat actor may gain access to the account. If a user's credentials have been compromised but the account has not been access by a threat actor, the account will not be disabled; instead, a required password reset will be sent to the user. When an account has been signed in by a threat actor, ITS will disable the user's account and revoke active sessions - this removes access from the threat actor and prevents re-access.
Re-enable account:
1) Visit or contact ITS.
2) ITS will confirm identity and send a password reset link.
3) Reset password and inform ITS when completed.
4) ITS will re-enable the account.
Account disabled - Unauthorized Travel (Staff/Faculty Only)

DSU requires international travel to be authorized under the International Travel and Technology policy.

International travel that is not authorized will result in the account being disabled - the user's dean/department head may be included in correspondence. The account will remain disabled until the user returns to the US.

Re-enable account:
1) Return to the US.
2) Visit or contact ITS.
3) Attest to being in the US.
     - One's dean/department head may attest on behalf.
4) ITS will re-enable the account.
Account disabled - Other

In unique situations of unauthorized access that do not fall into any other category, the user will need to work with ITS to have the account re-enabled.



Article ID: 148351
Tue 6/4/24 7:58 PM
Wed 11/20/24 9:02 AM