CTLBytes for March 5, 2024


This article provides faculty and staff with quick bits of knowledge.


March 5, 2024   |   Read Online

Special Announcement:

Sign up by the end of the day through the calendar invite previously sent with a YES by Thursday, March 7th, AND attend the webinar through Zoom on March 26th to receive a free signed copy of the book by José Antonio Bowen. (Limited to the first 75).

  • If you have already accepted the calendar invite and said "yes" that you would attend, your name is already on the list, just attend on March 26th.
  • If you haven't accepted the invite or were unsure before (Tentative) and now want to attend, click accept and say "yes" to the calendar invite (see previous email for outlook calendar invite). 

 If you need help, email us at the CTL@dsu.edu.




Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

"Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it."

- Albert Einstein


Image Source: AI image created through MidJourney - Prompt given: college students working together, style of naomi tydeman, tom hammick, rose wylie, lith printing, thought-provoking, strong use of color, innocent, text "DSU", --ar 3:2 --v 6.0

Problem-based learning is an adaptable and effective teaching strategy in both face-to-face and online classroom settings. This pedagogical approach involves presenting students with a complex problem that mirrors real-world issues, challenging them to engage in deep learning through research, collaboration, and application of knowledge to find solutions. PBL encourages students to take ownership of their learning, enhances critical thinking skills, and fosters teamwork.

Problem-Based Learning in Face-to-Face Classrooms

In a traditional classroom setting, PBL can be implemented by dividing students into small groups and presenting them with a problem at the beginning of the learning cycle. This problem is often multidisciplinary, requiring insights from various fields of study and encouraging students to draw on a wide range of resources and perspectives. The role of the instructor shifts from being a direct source of knowledge to a facilitator who guides students' learning, helps them ask the right questions and encourages them to explore different solutions. This setup allows for immediate feedback and hands-on support, enhancing the learning experience.

Transitioning PBL to Online Classrooms

Moving PBL online involves leveraging technology to recreate this strategy's collaborative and interactive aspects in a virtual environment. This can be achieved using D2L Brightspace's discussion forums and video conferencing tools. Problems can be presented through multimedia content, and students can work in virtual groups using collaborative tools like shared documents and whiteboards. Instructors can facilitate discussions, monitor progress, and provide feedback through regular virtual check-ins. The online format also allows for a more diverse range of resources and the inclusion of experts from around the globe to enrich the learning experience.

Key Considerations for Implementing PBL

  • Designing Authentic Problems: Whether face-to-face or online, the success of PBL hinges on the authenticity and complexity of the problems presented. These should be relevant to the students' future professional lives and require them to apply interdisciplinary knowledge.
  • Facilitating Effective Collaboration: Instructors need to foster an environment where students feel comfortable sharing ideas, challenging each other’s assumptions, and working together to find solutions. This involves establishing clear expectations, promoting respect, and teaching effective communication skills.
  • Assessment Strategies: Assessing PBL can be challenging, as traditional exams may not capture the depth of understanding and skills acquired. Instead, consider a combination of peer assessment, reflective essays, project deliverables, and presentations to evaluate students' learning.

You can check out the Knowledge Base Article from CTL about Problem-based learning here.





Research Articles You Might Be Interested In 🚀


A Critical Review of GenAI Policies in Higher Education Assessment: A Call to Reconsider the “Originality” of Students’ Work

Publication: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Feb 4, 2024

Author: Jiahui Luo (Jess)

What the research is about: The study examines how universities are dealing with the challenge of ensuring students' work remains original in an era where they can use AI tools to help write papers.

What the research found: It suggests that universities need to rethink what counts as original work since learning and writing are becoming more collaborative with technology's help. For faculty, this means designing assignments that better reflect this new reality, where AI tools are acknowledged and integrated into how we understand and evaluate students' contributions.

What the research recommends: The research suggests rethinking what counts as original work by considering the role of AI tools in learning and creativity. It recommends defining originality based on the subject being studied and what students aim to learn, understanding that what's original can differ greatly from one subject to another. Instead of just trying to catch students cheating, it encourages seeing the use of AI as a positive part of learning. For example, students might use AI to help analyze data and come up with ideas, which they then refine and expand on their own. This method mixes AI's ability to process information quickly with students' own creativity and critical thinking, resulting in work that is truly original within their field of study. The idea is to view the use of AI as a helpful addition to the educational process, encouraging students and AI to work together in a way that supports learning and innovation.

How generative artificial intelligence has blurred notions of authorial identity and academic norms in higher education, necessitating clear university usage policies

Publication: The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, Feb 19, 2024

Author: Duah, James & McGivern, Paul

What the research is about: This study looks into how ChatGPT, a type of AI that can create text, is affecting colleges and universities. The study explores what students and teachers think about using this AI for schoolwork, especially when it comes to writing papers and taking tests.

What the research found: The study discovered that both students and teachers have mixed feelings about using AI in school. Students see it as a helpful tool for overcoming challenges, while teachers are more cautious and unsure about its role in education. There's also confusion about what counts as cheating when AI is used for assignments because there aren't clear rules yet.

What the research recommends: The researchers suggest that schools should talk more about how to use AI properly and make clear rules for its use. This way, everyone knows what's allowed and what's not, making it easier for students to use AI in a way that helps them learn without crossing any lines.


A Book

Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning  – Future Release Date: April 20, 2024

by José Antonio Bowen (Author), C. Edward Watson (Author)

José Bowen delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and education, exploring how AI technologies can enhance teaching and learning experiences in diverse educational settings. Bowen, known for his expertise in educational technology and innovation, offers insights into the potential of AI to revolutionize traditional teaching methods and personalize education for learners. The book addresses both the promises and challenges associated with integrating AI into educational practices, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful implementation strategies and ethical considerations.

"In the age of AI, the role of the teacher shifts from being a 'sage on the stage' to a 'guide on the side,' facilitating and enriching the learning journey rather than simply delivering content." -José Antonio Bowen 

Three key takeaways from "Teaching with AI" include: 

  1. Personalized Learning: Bowen discusses how AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to tailor learning experiences to individual students' needs, preferences, and learning styles, fostering personalized learning pathways that optimize student engagement and outcomes.
  2. Augmented Teaching: The book explores how AI-powered tools can support educators in various aspects of teaching, from lesson planning and content creation to assessment and feedback. By automating routine tasks and providing insights based on data analysis, AI enables teachers to focus more on facilitating meaningful interactions with students and guiding their intellectual growth.
  3. Ethical Considerations: Bowen emphasizes the importance of addressing ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in education, such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and equitable access to technology. The book encourages educators and policymakers to critically evaluate the implications of AI adoption and develop frameworks to ensure that AI-enhanced learning environments promote fairness, transparency, and inclusivity.

Date: March 26, 2024 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST (General Webinar) 1:00-1:30 pm CST (Q&A)
Location: Webinar via Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/95124189039
Facilitated by: The CTL Team
Have Questions that you would like José Bowen to answer? Click here to submit them to our CTL Team.


An Article

AI Will Shake Up Higher Ed. Are Colleges Ready? A lot rides on the answer. - by Taylor Swaak, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 26, 2024

The article discusses the mixed reactions in higher education to AI, highlighting both excitement and hesitancy among faculty and staff. It underscores the rapid advancement of AI technologies like ChatGPT and their potential to reshape learning, teaching, and administrative processes in colleges. While some see AI as a tool for making education more equitable and efficient, others are concerned about its implications for academic integrity and the traditional values of higher education. The readiness of higher education to integrate and adapt to AI advancements remains an open question. Our very own President Griffiths was interviewed.

We lean into every technology because that’s our role: to prepare our students not for today’s technology … but for tomorrow’s technology.-President José-Marie Griffiths, DSU

3 key takeaways from the article:
  1. Rapid AI Integration: AI technologies, especially generative AI, are quickly being adopted in higher education, offering opportunities for innovation in teaching, learning, and administration but also raising concerns about academic integrity and traditional educational values.

  2. Mixed Reactions: There's a divide within the academic community, with some embracing AI for its potential to enhance education and others wary of its implications, particularly regarding equity and the dilution of critical thinking skills.

  3. Adaptation Challenges: Higher education institutions face significant challenges in adapting to AI advancements, with concerns about their ability to keep pace with rapidly evolving technologies and effectively integrate them into educational practices.

A Podcast

How to Use High Structure Course Design to Heighten Learning, with Justin Shaffer - Feb 22, 2024

Justin Shaffer talks about how to use high structure course design to heighten student learning on episode 506 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

"Not all students need it [high structure], but we know from evidence, lots of research now shows that this type of structure does help students not only all students do better but help some students do even better than they otherwise would." -Justin Shaffer

Here are 5 key takeaways from the podcast:

  1. Importance of Structure: An unstructured course can lead to confusion and a lack of direction for students. A high-structure design provides a clear path through course materials, assignments, and expectations, enhancing student engagement and success.
  2. Pre-Class Preparation: One component of high structure design is requiring students to engage with the material before class through readings or videos. This prepares students for active learning during class sessions.

  3. Active Learning in Class: Shaffer emphasizes the use of active learning strategies during class to reinforce pre-class learning and apply concepts in a collaborative environment. This can include problem-solving activities, discussions, and other interactive methods.

  4. Post-Class Assessment: High-structure courses often include reflective activities or assessments after class to consolidate learning and assess understanding. This continuous cycle of preparation, engagement, and reflection is key to the high-structure approach.

  5. Flexibility and Support: Despite the emphasis on structure, Shaffer highlights the importance of flexibility within the course design to accommodate diverse learning needs and styles. Supporting students through clear instructions, feedback, and opportunities for practice is crucial.





AI Tools to Enrich Your Productivity

Adobe Firefly: Generate images, add or remove objects, transform text, and more with simple text prompts in over 100 languages.

Visme AI: Create anything from presentations to social graphics from simple text prompts.

Descript: Your all-in-one content companion to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts.





Why is the math book so unhappy...

happy math professor with book

because it's full of problems!


Upcoming CTL Events

March & April Webinars, Workshops and Drop-Ins

March 20, 2024Advising Unlocked: Empowering Online Students: Enhance faculty proficiency in online advising and promote positive outcomes for online students. Time: from 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm CST Location: Online via Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/91772727034

March 21, 2024, Revolutionizing Lesson Planning with ChatGPT: Streamline your lesson planning process using ChatGPT, freeing up more time for you to engage with your students and build confidence in using an AI tool for student learning. Time: from 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm CST Location: Webinar via Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/93029640007

March 26, 2024, Teaching and Thinking with A.I. ~ Guest Author: José Antonio Bowen: Learn practical AI-oriented techniques to transform assignments and assessments and examine AI in higher Education. Time: from 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm CST Location: Webinar via Zoom -https://dsu.zoom.us/s/95124189039

March 27, 2024, Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences D2L Drop-Ins: Increase engagement and communication with the CTL Team and strengthen confidence in using our Learning Management System, D2L Brightspace. Time: from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST Location: Beacom 202 OR Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/91535074091

April 3, 2024, College of Education D2L Drop-Ins: Increase engagement and communication with the CTL Team and strengthen confidence in using our Learning Management System, D2L Brightspace. Time: from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST Location: Vale Room OR Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/96343805022

April 8, 2024, College of Arts & Sciences D2L Drop-Ins: Increase engagement and communication with the CTL Team and strengthen confidence in using our Learning Management System, D2L Brightspace. Time: from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST Location: Ruth Habeger Science Center 132 OR Zoom - https://dsu.zoom.us/s/98032251319





Contact Us

Our Email: ctl@dsu.edu

Your CTL Team:

Dr. Matthew Bruce Ingram, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning

LaNessa Hof, Instructional Designer, and Educational Technologist

DSU's Center for Teaching and Learning Team is here to help you. If you would like to discuss any of the pedagogical advances in higher education, need help with your course design, want to learn a new strategy, or want to talk - come see us!

We are located on the 2nd floor of the Karl Mundt Library in Room 204 and/or Room 218. Our email is ctl@dsu.edu, and/or you can book appointments with us to meet on-campus or online. Just click on the links below for on-campus appointments or online appointments.

Blue rectangle with link to CTL appointments blue rectangle with link to appointments


CTLBytes is Dakota State University's Center for Teaching and Learning supportive email digest for faculty and staff. 

© 2023-24 CTLBytes Email Digest/Newsletter

Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota 57042, United States




Article ID: 148253
Mon 2/5/24 4:03 PM
Mon 4/15/24 4:44 PM

