DSU Email Signature Requirements


DSU email signature generator and BOR requirements


  • What are users allowed to include in their DSU email signature?


The Board of Regents has adopted Policy 1.7.6 Communications and Branding, aimed at ensuring uniform standards for visual and written communications across BOR universities and among all staff.
This policy has direct implications for all DSU staff.


  • Outlook

  • Outlook Web App


This policy affirms each university’s right and responsibility to establish university brand standards (see DSU’s Brand Manual) and standards for official communication.  The policy also restricts the contact information you may use on official university communication, including your email signature. 

At this time, your signature block may not include anything beyond what is permitted in the list below:

  • Name (may include credentials or degrees earned)
  • Job title
  • Name of unit
  • Email address
  • Email address for your unit (if applicable)
  • Physical address
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Web links to official institutional websites or social media platforms (if applicable)
  • Primary institutional logo
  • Institutional motto
  • Professional disclosures relevant to advising a communications recipient about disclosure requirements or recognized legal privileges associated with the communication, provided such disclosures are within the scope of your employment.

Inclusion of additional information, graphics or links not specifically listed above is prohibited.  That means you may no longer include your preferred pronouns, inspirational sayings, links to non-official institutional websites, etc., in your communication as a representative of the university.  Your contact information in other channels for official university communication, including Zoom, should follow the restrictions of this policy.

DSU’s official signature generator for email complies with the Board policy.  You may find that here.



Article ID: 148235
Thu 12/28/23 12:01 PM
Thu 12/28/23 12:29 PM