The Flipped Classroom


This article focuses on the pedagogical model of a flipped classroom as a strategy for teaching in higher education.


What is Flipping the Classroom?

Flipping the Classroom is an innovative teaching model that reverses the traditional learning environment. In this approach, students are introduced to content outside of class, typically through online materials like video lectures, readings, or interactive modules. Class time, then, is dedicated to expanding on these materials through discussions, problem-solving, and hands-on activities. This method shifts the focus from passive listening to active learning.

According to Saint Louis University, there are two main types of a flipped classroom design: student-led and instructor-led models.  

In a student-led model, students take the reins in accessing and navigating course content, enjoying more freedom. The instructor steps back, focusing on feedback, motivation, and identifying students needing extra help.

Conversely, the instructor-led model sees the instructor play a more central role, with class time devoted to active learning exercises like case studies, group discussions, and team projects.



Why Should You Consider Flipping the Classroom?

There are many reasons that you could consider flipping your classroom. Here are a few of them:

  1. Enhanced Student Engagement: By flipping the classroom, faculty encourage students to become active participants in their learning process. This can lead to increased motivation and better understanding of the material.

  2. Personalized Learning: Students can learn at their own pace outside the classroom, rewinding and rewatching lectures as needed. This caters to different learning styles and paces.

  3. Improved Critical Thinking: The in-class time can be used for applying concepts in practical scenarios, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  4. Feedback Opportunities: Faculty can provide immediate feedback during class activities, allowing for quicker adjustments in teaching strategies and student understanding.

  5. Collaborative Learning Environment: It fosters a collaborative learning environment where students can interact with peers and engage in group activities.


How Can I Implement This Strategy?

graphic of a traditional classroom with information and a flipped classroom with information

Image Source: Graphic from Flipped Classroom Resources, St. Louis University

You have learned about flipped classrooms and are ready to begin. Where do you start? 

  1. Prepare Digital Material: Develop or curate videos, podcasts, readings, or interactive content for students to engage with before class.

  2. Rethink In-Class Activities: Design activities that encourage application of the material, such as group projects, discussions, or case studies.

  3. Provide Structure and Expectations: Clearly communicate the flipped classroom model to students, including expectations for pre-class preparation.

  4. Incorporate Technology: Utilize educational technology tools to facilitate learning both in and out of the classroom.

  5. Evaluate and Adapt: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the flipped classroom and be open to making changes based on student feedback and learning outcomes.

Below are some tips for beginning your design of your flipped classroom:

  1. Start Small: Begin with flipping a single lesson and expand gradually.

  2. Create Essential But Concise Content: Ensure flipped content is clearly tied to learning objectives, and break your longer content into smaller segments. 

  3. Leverage Existing Technology: Use tools the students are already familiar with to ease the learning curve.

  4. Guide Students Through the First Lesson: Offer explicit instructions and demonstrate how to engage with the content.

  5. Keep a Journal: Document your experiences to refine your approach.


Key Questions for Designing Your Flipped Classroom

Questions you should think about when designing your lessons for a flipped classroom:

  1. What’s the Learning Goal? Identify what students should learn and choose materials accordingly.
  2. Outside Class Time: Consider how much time students should spend learning outside the classroom and how you can support this learning.

  3. In-Class Activities: Plan engaging exercises or assessments to apply what's learned.

  4. Incentives for Learning: Think about incentives for students, perhaps through a quiz at the start of class.

  5. Feedback and Assessment: How will students show their learning, and how will you gather their feedback?


Resources for Further Learning

Want more information? Check out these resources for further learning:

  1. Flipped Learning Network: A comprehensive resource offering research, case studies, and practical guides on flipped learning.

  2. Educause Review - Flipping the Flipped Classroom: Provides a new look at the flipped classroom model, and introduces a "flip" the "flipped classroom" model for today's classes.

  3. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching - Flipping the Classroom: This guide offers strategies, research, and real-world examples of flipped classrooms in higher education.

  4. EdSurge - Flipped Classroom: This article dives into the latest research (2023) with "Does 'Flipped Learning' Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research."




Article ID: 148233
Mon 12/18/23 2:09 PM
Mon 4/15/24 4:49 PM