Multiple Attempts at a course- Three Strikes


According to South Dakota Board of Regents policy number 2:4:

  • Students will be allowed a total of three takes for undergraduate courses (course numbers 001-499) for which credit is only counted toward graduation once. The student must petition the Vice President for Academic Affairs for permission to take an undergraduate course more than three times.
  • Students will be allowed a total of two takes for graduate courses (course numbers 500 and above) for which credit is only counted toward graduation once. The student must petition the Graduate Dean for permission to take a graduate course more than two times.
  • Students will be allowed unlimited takes for an undergraduate or graduate course for which credit toward graduation may be received more than once (e.g., Independent Study, Thesis). All takes will count in grade point average calculations. Individual departments/majors may limit the number of credits allowed toward graduation in certain courses.
  • The Audit (AU) grade is the only grade that will not be counted as a take of a course. All other grades, including a Withdraw (W) grade, will count as a take of a course.
  • Transfer courses and non-courses (e.g. CLEP, credit by exam) will count as a take of a course.
  • The count for retakes will begin with courses in which students are enrolled Fall 2003. Takes of a course prior to Fall 2003 will not be counted.



Article ID: 148217
Tue 11/28/23 10:41 AM