Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files


Adobe notification on discontinuing synced cloud files


  • Can I access my Adobe Cloud saved files after they are no longer synced to my hard drive?


Adobe Creative Cloud has allowed users to sync their saved Creative Cloud files to their local device.  This will be discontinued.  

It is recommended for all students utilizing the Adobe licensing during their time at DSU, since your access is per semester based on your course enrollment, to always back up the files locally or to a third-party cloud storage provider.

Sign in to your Adobe account on your local device to sync the latest versions of your assets before February 1, 2024.


  • Adobe Creative Cloud 

  1. Visit Adobe's site for more information on how to save your files:  Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced Files

  2. How this may impact you:
    •     Files saved to Creative Cloud Files folder on your computer will no longer automatically sync with assets.adobe.com. 
    •     Files that are uploaded directly to assets.adobe.com or the Creative Cloud Mobile App will not be automatically copied to your computer. 

  3. Recommended actions:
    •     If you do not save assets to the Creative Cloud Synced files, no action is needed.
    •     Ensure your assets are properly backed up locally or to third-party cloud storage.



Article ID: 147010
Mon 8/28/23 10:10 AM
Mon 8/28/23 10:12 AM