How do I approve a ticket workflow step?
How do I see all of my past and current approvals?
Why did I get asked for approval?
If you received an email notification from stating you have a "Workflow Step Assignment" it means another user requires your approval on a process. This is common for purchasing index approval and other processes at DSU.
This knowledge base article provides a comprehensive overview of approval workflow steps in Team Dynamix. Approval workflow steps play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and streamlined processes within organizations. By implementing these steps, organizations can automate and standardize the approval process for various requests, such as service requests, change requests, purchasing requests, and more.
In the email notification, you will see details about the ticket to review. To approve the workflow assignment, click the link under "to act on this Approval step, click the link below"
Your browser will open and you will be taken to the approval screen. You may be prompted to sign in with your DSU email and password. You will then have the option to Approve or Reject the request.
To see the full ticket details and any attachments, click the service request link.
You can review all of your approvals at anytime by going to or from click the services tab at the top, then "my approvals"
By default you will see tickets awaiting your approval. You can search and change the filter to see the history of all of your approvals.