Financial Aid - New or Readmitted Students

Financial Aid - New or Readmitted Students


If you do not currently have access to our student information system, review the steps outlined below and then click on Go to Financial Aid button to access your financial aid award information. Notice:

New or Readmitted Students Only – Financial Aid Information.  Current students - see Financial Aid - Current Students

Follow these steps to login:

After clicking on the link above, enter your Student ID in the “User ID” box, then click on the “Forgot PIN?” button.

  • You should have received your “Student ID” in an email sent to the email address you specified on your FAFSA. The ID will be in the format of 123456789.
  • If you receive the error message “Authorization Failure - Security Question is not set up” and are a current/past student or employee of the South Dakota University system, then you will need to log in through the Current Student procedures instead of through this page.

You will then be presented with a security question. Enter your response to the question in the ‘Answer’ box, and then click the ‘Submit Answer’ button.

After correctly answering the security question, the next screen will allow you to reset your PIN. Enter the same value in the boxes labeled “New PIN” and “Re-enter new PIN,” then click the “Reset PIN” button.Important!

Your new PIN must be at least ten characters long AND contain both letters and numbers.


Once you have successfully logged into the system, click the tab labeled “Financial Aid”.

  • At this point, you will be prompted to choose a campus. Depending on the number of South Dakota universities you have listed on your FAFSA, there may be multiple institutions in the dropdown list. You will need to choose the appropriate campus in the dropdown box labeled “Select Campus,” then click the “Continue” button.

Follow the available links to review your financial aid requirements, holds, awards and more.

You can then review your Financial Aid information.

Go to Financial Aid


Service ID: 35151
Tue 4/16/19 4:57 PM
Wed 4/17/19 10:36 AM